Listed is the surname that is being researched, the contact person for that surname and the date that the surname was submitted.
Surname Researcher Date Submitted
Ball  Alan Jones 1⁄9⁄2008
Barnes Robert Montgomery 1⁄9⁄2008
Berger         Lori Smith 1⁄9⁄2008
Burger         Lori Smith 1⁄9⁄2008
Cochran         Jim Irwin 9⁄30⁄2007
Crooks         Ginger Moore 7⁄23⁄2007
Dean         Betty Doremus 10⁄5⁄2007
Dickerson Alan Jones 1⁄9⁄2008
Himmel         Dorothy Riegel 9⁄11⁄2007
Hutchings Kathy Hughes 7⁄24⁄2007
Kidder Kathy Hughes 7⁄24⁄2007
McGinnes Ginger Moore 7⁄23⁄2007
McGinnis Ginger Moore 7⁄23⁄2007
Montgomery Robert Montgomery 1⁄9⁄2008
Riegel Dorothy Riegel 9⁄11⁄2007
Sawyer Betty Doremus 10⁄5⁄2007
Schwab Alan Rossing 2⁄21⁄2010
Seward 9⁄11⁄2007
Tobias Paul Rickert 7⁄8⁄2009
Wibray Betty Doremus 10⁄5⁄2007
Zenor Alan Jones 1⁄9⁄2008
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