John Getz, wholesale dealer in flour, and a stockholder in the Interlock Fence Wire Company, was born in Tazewell County in 1864, receiving his education in the common schools. He then obtained work on a farm, following that occupation until attaining his twenty-fourth year, when he entered the general merchandise business with Benjamin Hauter as Hauter & Getz, in which lie was engaged for the ensuing fifteen years, ten years of which they controlled the output of Royal Patent flour. He subsequently became interested in manufacturing, and is now director of a stock company organized for the manufacture of interlocking wire fencing at, Morton, where a large factory has been erected.
Mr. Getz is extensively interested in real estate, possessing land in Mercer County, Ill., and in the States of Minnesota and Kansas.
In his religious faith our subject is a Christian Apostolic. At Morton, in 1886 he was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Hauter, a native of Tazewell County, and five children have been born to them. viz.: Joseph, John, Edward, Samuel and Benjamin. The parents of Mr. Getz were John and Jacobbena (Sommers) Getz, the former being a native of Germany and the latter of Tazewell County.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1007
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