John S. Norman, son of Simeon and Sarah (Nichols) Norman, natives of Ohio, was born in Tremont, Ill., in 1862, and received his education in the public schools of his native village. He then learned the blacksmith’s trade at which he was engaged for four years in Tremont, and then removed to South Dakota, where he engaged in farming. Returning to Tremont in 1887, he there followed his trade for eight years, and in 1892 located in Groveland, where he opened the blacksmith shop which he now conducts. In connection with his blacksmithing establishment, he has a general supply store in which he carries a complete stock of hardware implements, buggies and wagons.
Mr. Norman is a Republican in politics, and socially belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. He was married in South Dakota in 1885, to Miss Julia Woodworth, and of this union ten children have been born: Edward, Olive, Leonard, Frank, Hazel, Blanche, John, Charles, Howard and Gladys.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1054
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