William K. Espy, retired farmer, Groveland, Ill., was born in Dauphin County, Pa., in 1819, and came to Tazewell County in 1853. After obtaining his education in the public schools, he engaged in farming, and followed that occupation up to the time of his retirement from active life to enjoy the fruits of his early labors. He is a Republican in political affiliations, and has held the office of School Trustee for about forty years.
In 1845 Mr. Espy was united in marriage to Miss Martha Sturgeon, a native of Pennsylvania, and seven children were born to them, viz.: Rebecca, Eliza, David, Helen, Sarah, Anna and Charles. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Espy married Mrs. Mary A. Pettyjohn, whose demise occurred in 1902. They had one daughter—Katharine.
Mr. Espy has always been an industrious man, an upright and conscientious citizen, and is highly respected by all who know him.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1000
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