Frank A. Behrens, Deputy Circuit Clerk, Pekin, Ill. was born in the city of Pekin, January 9. 1867, and was educated in. the public and high schools of his native town. His parents, Arend and Fannie (Folkers) Behrens, were born in Germany, the former November 10, 1838, and the latter December 2, 1843.
After leaving school the subject of this sketch was employed in his father’s grocery store, and at the age of twenty-seven, on January 1. 1894, was appointed Assistant Postmaster under Mr. Ben. C. Allensworth, serving in that capacity for four years. He then went to Texas and Mexico, investigating the possibilities in the southern part of America, but subsequently returned to Pekin and engaged in a number of enterprises. On December 1, 1900, he was appointed Deputy Circuit Clerk under
R. V. Howe, his term of office expiring in December. 1904, but was reappointed for the term ending December 1, 1908.
Politically Mr. Behrens is a Democrat, and socially has been a member of Lafayette Lodge No. 210, Knights of Pyrhias, since November 1903, and of El Medi Temple No. 1. D. 0. K. K. since December, 1903. He was united in marriage at Peoria, Ill., on October 15, 1902, to Miss Minnie E. Fels, and they have one child, Arend Fels, born November, 12, 1903. Mrs. Behrens was born July 18. 1873, in Hamilton Ohio, and is a daughter of Andrew Fels, a native of Germany, who came to this country in the early days and has for twenty-one years been a resident of Peoria.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 977
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