Arthur Newton Black, real-estate dealer, Pekin, was born in Sand Prairie Township, August 31, 1861, and is the son of Jesse and Mary (John) Black. His education was acquired in the public schools of Green Valley, supplemented by a course at the Wesleyan University, Bloomington. After being graduated from that institution he returned to Green Valley and assisted his father on the home farm until he was twenty-two years old. He then went to work on the farm of George Greeley in Elm Grove Township, but later removed to Manito and there engaged in the mercantile business for four-and-a-half years. Disposing of his interests to O. P. Rosher he next located in Fremont, Iowa, where he engaged in the lumber, grain, and real-estate business for three years. At the end of that time he sold out and went to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where for two years he dealt in real-estate, coming then to Pekin and continuing there in the same line of business. He has always voted the Republican ticket, and in his social relations is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Knights of Pythias, the Eastern Star, the K.of K., the Modern Woodmen of America, and D.O. K. K. Mr. Black was married at Peoria, Ill., February 24, 1884, to Miss Anna B. Black, who was born October 18, 1861.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 979