Louis Morgenstern, blacksmith, Pekin, was born in Rhineburg, Germany, August. 10, 1836, being the son of Jacob and Mary (Baker) Morgenstern, natives of Rhineburg, the former born in 1795 and the latter, in 1802. Louis Morgenstern received his education in his native country, and in 1854 came to the United States, settling first in Washington County, Ohio, where he learned the trade of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Four years later he removed to Pekin, arriving in that city December 25, 1858 and for a number of years was employed in various blacksmith shops, but in 1870 opened an establishment of his own, and now has the best trade in his line of business in this section of the country. He has been working as a blacksmith in Pekin longer than any of his competitors.
On December 6, 1860, Mr. Morgenstern was married in Pekin, Ill., to Miss Margaret Bastian (born in 1843), and of this union there were five children: Daniel, Charles, Ira, Lottie and Louis. Mr. Morgenstern is a Republican in his political views, and fraternally is a member of the Independent Order of Mutual Aid.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1047