William J. Culbertson, grain and stock dealer, is a native of Ohio, where he was born October 2. 1855. He attended the common schools of his birthplace, and at the age of twenty- three years started in life on his own account, purchasing a farm of 120 acres, which he operated for ten years. He then engaged in the grain and stock business, which he has successfully conducted up to the present time.
Mr. Culbertson came to Tazewell County in 1863. In politics he supports the Democratic party, and socially is a member of the Knights of Pythias. His grandfather, John Culbertson, was a native of Pennsylvania, while his father, E. C. Culbertson, was born in Ohio in 1833. The latter married Miss Ruth C. Sheets, whose birth occurred in the Buckeye State in 1835.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 992