Morgan W. Jenkins, a well known dealer in grain, coal and ice, Washington, Ill., was born in Washington, Tazewell County, November 27, 1861, and obtained his education in the common schools of his native town. He is of Welsh descent, his grandparents, John and Rachel Jenkins, having been born in South Wales, as also were his parents, Roger and Eleanor (Davies) Jenkins—the birth of the former occurring July 16, 1811, and that of the latter in 1817. His maternal grandfather, John Davies, was also a native of South Wales. Morgan W. Jenkins remained on his parents’ farm, assisting his father, until 1897, when he removed to Washington and engaged in the farm implement business, in which he continued until 1902, when he became interested in the grain, coal and ice trade, and has since continued in that line of business. The marriage of Mr. Jenkins was celebrated at Peoria January 8, 1895, when he was united to Miss Lucy Belsly, who was born August 31, 1874. Of this union the following named children have been born: Eleanor, Catherine and Harold.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1031