Daniel Nine, farmer, Delavan Township, Tazewell County, was born in Fountain County, Ind., September 11, 1829, being the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gebhart) Nine, natives of Ohio. The father spent the greater part of his life in Indiana, though he often visited his son in Tazewell County. He and his wife died at the old homestead in Hillsboro, Ind.
Daniel Nine came to Delevan in 1847, and entered 160 acres of land, but since that time has purchased another quarter section, and now owns and occupies a handsome and well- appointed farm. His marriage to Miss Sarah C. Davison of Delavan occurred August 27, 1863.
Mrs. Nine was born in Fountain County, Ind., and has borne her husband five children: William Henry, Idella A., Alvesa May, Maggie Estella and Ida Pearl. Her parents, Fleming and Martha Ann (Irvin) Davison, were natives, respectively, of Pennsylvania and Virginia. They removed to Ohio in 1857, where the father engaged in the carpenter’s trade and, on coming into Tazewell County, Ill., located on the Mackinaw River. Mr. Nine has been School Director several terms, and is much esteemed by all who know him.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1053
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