Harry Lyman Nichols. a prosperous farmer and stock-dealer, of Delavan Township, Tazewell County, was born in the county where he now resides, September 12, 1864 and obtained his education in the public schools of his native community When twenty years of age, he began to work on his father’s farm, which he rented for eight years, afterward purchasing 140 acres of land one mile west of Delavan, upon which he has since devoted his attention to general farming and stock raising.
Mr. Nichols has one of the best appointed farms in this section of the county, and has erected on his homestead a commodious residence and substantial out-buildings. Besides the home farm, he owns 400 acres near New Canton, Ill.
In politics Mr. Nichols is a Republican. In 1892 he was married in Logan County, Ill., to Miss Hattie Clary, and of this union there are three children: Rosella, Luella and Paul E. Mrs. Nichols was born in Macon County, Ill., March 5, 1871. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch was John Nichols, and his father, born in Illinois in 1840, married Miss Cynthia Wakefield, whose birth occurred in 1845.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1052