James S. McQueen, who is engaged in the business of farming and raising stock, was born April 15, 1829, in Culpeper County, Va, and in 1846, settled in Tazewell County. During the rush of gold seekers to California, in 1849, he journeyed to the State by the overland route, remaining there about two years. He returned by the Isthmus of Panama, Lake Nicaragua, and San Juan River, to New Orleans, whence he ascended the Mississippi River to Alton, Ill., and thence journeyed across the country to Tazewell County, where he rented and worked a farm for some time, finally purchasing some land on Section 13, Hopedale Township. He now owns about 100 acres of excellent farming land.  Mr. McQueen received only a common  school education. He votes the Democratic ticket, and is a Methodist in religious belief.
Mr. McQueen was married in Hopedale Township, by Squire Bryan, on December 25, 1851, to Miss Elizabeth Hitt, who was born In Kentucky June 1, 1834. Nine children were born to them, those living being: Lucy Cass, who is married to Hezekiah Jennings; Alice Anne, married to James Wright; Ulysses Grant and Susa Catherine. The deceased are: Philip L.; Charles Henry and Katie (who died in infancy); and Ella, who became the wife of Edward Ogden; Mary Elizabeth, who married John Smith and left two children, Iva Cleo and Sally, the latter a stenographer residing in Bloomington, Ill.
Johnson McQueen, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia. In 1844 he removed to Missouri and thence to Tazewell County, in 1846. He settled in Mackinaw township, where he resided until his death, at the age of seventy-eight. His wife was Miss Cassa Brown, whose birthplace was Virginia, where she died in 1837. The maternal grandparents of Mr. McQueen were Henry and Lucy Brown, both natives of the old Dominion.
The parents of Mrs. James S. McQueen were Aldridge and Catherine A. Hitt, who removed from their native state of Virginia to Illinois in 1837, settling in Hopedale Township, Tazewell County, where the father died at the age of ninety-three years, and the mother aged seventy-two.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1044
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