James Edward McIntyre, M. D., physician and surgeon, Tremont, was born in Hampshire, W. Va., Sept. 1, 1861, the son of John and Leah (Klemm) McIntyre. His father was born in Maryland, Dec. 29, 1815, and his mother in Shenandoah County, Va., in 1825, the latter dying in 1867.
The father is now living in Winchester, Va. For thirty years he taught school and was engaged in farming. At the commencement of the Civil War he served in the Confederate army, but feeling that it was not a righteous cause, sought refuge in the North, and devoted himself to the promotion of the Union cause. One of his sons served throughout the Rebellion in the Southern army.
Dr. McIntyre came to Illinois when only seventeen years of age, thinking in the West to find greater opportunities for advancement. For about three years he worked as a farm hand, and for a year was a telegraph operator. For two years he was principal of the Morton High School, and in 1892 began the practice of medicine at Tremont.
For six years Dr. McIntyre has served as County Physician, and for a like period has been President of the School Board. He is President of the Village Board, a position he has filled for a year, and is identified with the M. W. of A. In his political views, he is a Prohibitionist. Much success has attended him in every way, and he has built one of the finest homes in Tremont.
Dr. McIntyre was married in Chicago, on Dec. 20, 1887, to Miss Ella Lawrence, who was born in Bloomington, March 1, 1867, the daughter of Charles S. and Frances M. (Ellis) Lawrence. They have two children: Leah Frances and Blanche Mariette. Mrs. McIntyre’s parents were married at Lincoln, Ill., Oct. 20, 1865, and her father died May 28, 1867. Henry Ellis, grandfather of Mrs. McIntyre, was born in Massachusetts, came West, and settled in Springfield, Ill.
Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Tazewell County - page 1044
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